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Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Instruction Set - CISC vs RISC : Intel or Macintosh?

It often we hear an interesting debate between IBM personal computers and compatibles labeled Intel Inside, versus Apple computers, PowerPC labeled. The main difference between the two computers is the type of processor it uses. Motorola's PowerPC processors used Apple Macintosh computers believed RISC processor, whereas Intel's Pentium believed CISC processors. In fact personal computers based on the Intel Pentium personal computer today is the most populated. But it also can not deny that the RISC-based computers such as Macintosh, SUN is a reliable computer system with pipelining, superscalar, floating point operations and so on.
The instruction set is a code of instructions (instruction machine) that can be translated into machine language. The instruction set consists of the operation code (opcode) and operand. Many types of the instruction set of a CPU such as: data processing, data storage, data movement, and control. The types are the basis of the current types and any good CPU Intel, IBM, and Macintoh will vary. The difference of the instruction set will give different characteristics of a CPU. There are two models of the basic instruction set of a machine (CPU) of the day: RISC and CISC.
CISC stands for Complex Intruction Set Computer where the processor has a complex set of instructions and complete. While RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer, which means the processor has a set of program instructions a little more. Because there are differences in the two sets of instructions on said complex or simple (reduced), then let's talk a little bit about the instruction itself.

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Know the term Gadget

The word "gadget" is often used in the media or electronic media. If we look in the dictionary, it is usually interpreted as a practical tool. Gadgets are designed differently and are considered more sophisticated than normal technology available at the time of its creation.
Increased advanced equipment (gadgets) such as iPhone, Blackberry and Xbox, it threatens innovation that has lasted for tens of years in building the Internet, a well-known scholar, through his new book. Professor Jonathan Zittrain says sophisticated equipment "must have" closed and inhibit creativity and transform consumers into passive users of technology. Zittrain is a professor of the role and regulation of the Internet at the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University.
Prof. Zittrain exemplifies the striking differences between the first personal computer, the Apple II, which was made in the 70s, with the latest tools from Apple, the iPhone. Latest gadgets that he described as a "tethered appliances".
"They are easy to use but hard to make work a tool. They tied it easy for providers to change it after the item is no longer for sale."

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